Buttons & Dropdowns
They come in many colors, sizes and options!

Buttons You can have all kinds of buttons with different colors and sizes

Simple Buttons

.btn .btn-default
.btn .btn-primary
.btn .btn-success
.btn .btn-danger
.btn .btn-warning
.btn .btn-info
.btn .btn-inverse
.btn .btn-link
.btn .btn-default .disabled Link


.btn .btn-default .btn-xs
.btn .btn-default .btn-sm
.btn .btn-default
.btn .btn-default .btn-lg
.btn .btn-xs .btn-inverse
.btn .btn-sm .btn-warning
.btn .btn-success
.btn .btn-lg .btn-info

Buttons and Icons You can use only icons or with text in any button size

Buttons and Dropdowns

Button Group

Create buttons inside a <div> element with .btn-group class to create a button group

Vertical Button Group

Add the extra .btn-group-vertical class for a vertical group

Button Groups and Dropdowns

Use any button within a .btn-group and the proper dropdown menu markup to trigger it.


Combine sets of divs with .btn-group classes inside a div with .btn-toolbar class to create a toolbar! Remember that you can use any icon, color or size you want!